Tuesday, 20 November 2012

PMTV and Why Some PM's Suck

Being involved with initiatives such as PMTV (Project Management TV) and WIPM (Women in Project Management) are great for two reasons:
    Image: PMTV Logo
1. I get to meet and interact with many genuinely nice people I otherwise wouldn't come across; and
2. Together we get to share our combined experiences and expertise in a variety of ways for the benefit of others. 

This is exactly what happened when I joined forces with Jon Hyde, Bernardo Tirado and Naomi Caietti for PMTV on October 16th. 
PMTV is the brainchild of Jon and Bernardo. They have 'created PMTV to bring you the inside story on project management from the trenches of austerity.' 

Broadcasting every 3rd Tuesday at 12noon GMT / 7am ET, past episodes can be replayed on demand. Our episode went out live Tuesday 16th October with the topic of discussion being 'Why Some Project Managers Suck!'. 

It may not be a very p.c title but we all know it's a very real problem. Why should anyone or any company put up with PM's or leaders who suck?

If you haven't listened to the replay set aside some quiet time and enjoy. The topic's an excellent one, not just because it makes you smile but because of what we cover:
  • What's the big differentiator between a good and bad PM?
  • How does self awareness play into leading projects?
  • What are ways for PMs to seek feedback?
  • How do you help PMs become better leaders? 

Past episodes of PMTV can be played on demand. If you like what you hear you can subscribe via email, follow @PMTVpro on Twitter or get involved in the Twitter conversation using the #PMTV hashtag.

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